Vito is 40 months old.

I’m always in search of new learning games and activities to try with Vito. Vito is quite a challenge. He’s a little bit picky with activities, he always wants it to be interesting, some sort of a game. He is currently in a sensitive period with letters, always singing the song, identifying letters in books, pretending to read words, completing his alphabet puzzles and more. He knows the letter sounds and can identify uppercase and lowercase, so I’m moving forward to phonics
and CVC reading practise in our language activities at home. To start with, we are practising how to identify beginning letter sounds of
“objects” in picture format. I know, I should be doing objects, but Vito is always distracted with objects. He sees them as toys, not as language learning materials. We don’t get things done whenever I use objects because we end up playing. So I’m sticking with picture cards for now, it’s working on his part. Whenever he sees a
picture card, he would name it and emphasize the beginning letter sound. This was our first try, and we’ve been doing this activity occasionally. Lately, I acquired an extra tiny
bag from my Stereognostic material and I made use of it in this game. We often use
moveable alphabet but Vito insisted to use the
Hape Uppercase Puzzle (he loves this puzzle!).