The boys were fascinated with our Shark Anatomy Model that I couldn't resist not getting this Frog Anatomy Model too! Vito couldn't put it all together yet, but this is good learning material to introduce the child to what the inside of a frog looks like.BEGINNING LETTER SOUND ACTIVITY (Ff)
Vito was getting his groove back in practicing letter sounds, so I made beginning sound card identification. He enjoyed our BINGO alphabet game from last year (FREE Beginning Sound BINGO Sheets), so I decided to make another one, but each sheet will focus on one letter. So the object of this activity is to be able to identify those starting with the letter Ff (sound). We also use this to play the "I Spy" game.COUNTING FROGS
Counting is an activity that I always integrate into our unit activities. We are using the frogs from Safari Toob Poison Dart Frogs and Frogs and Turtles.
The boy's favorite! I've cut out different sizes of circles of green foam sheets to serve as lily pads. This activity ensures the frogs and lily pads won't sink in our makeshift pond. It was fun!
This activity is to identify the external parts of a frog using a Montessori Frog puzzle. This activity is suitable for kids from 2.5 years old and older. They are always fascinated with their body parts and their comparison to the animals. We used our 3 part cards to learn the body parts of a Frog.Our 3 part cards come with definition cards which I assembled into a booklet. I'm using them for now since Vito can't read them yet. I use them to describe the function of each part of a frog.
If interested, you can get these Frog 3 Part Cards and Description Cards from our shop here.
This activity is inspired by the speckled frog activity of Living Montessori Now. We sang as the frog jumped in the tray (as a pool) and used glass gems as our grubs. We used homemade playdough for our log-in this activity.WHERE DO FROGS LIVE?
This is a brief activity because Vito isn't interested. Here, we talked about where frogs live, and I introduced the landform of a pond. We then looked at pictures of the differences between freshwater (ponds and rivers) biome and saltwater biome (sea and ocean). The cards are from here, and the Montessori Landform Cards are from here.

A lovely puzzle from Beleduc demonstrates the life cycle of a frog. I love how it matches our Safari Toob Life Cycle Frog figures. Vito enjoyed putting this together, and each time he completed a layer, we would discuss the changes, like developing hind legs, then forelegs.

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