Vito has been really interested in sharks lately. We had some Shark Unit Study (Montessori Inspired Shark Study for Kids) years ago together with my eldest, but Vito was so young then that all he could ever do was do some simple matching activity with our Safari Toob Sharks. Now that he's a bit older, I prepared some simple activities for him to learn more about sharks, what's their difference with whales, and how similar are they to humans.
Let's start with the materials we used.
- Sharks of My First Discovery Series. This is a very good introductory book on sharks. It has simple text and easy wording for kids to understand. It has beautiful realistic illustrations of the different types of sharks and even contains a brief summary of how sharks give birth. I highly recommend this book and it's so entertaining for kids!
- Different Types of Sharks by Safari Toobs. We love Safari Toobs and we've been using them for 9 years now (and counting!). Their Sharks Toob is amazing. It consists of different types of sharks that will engage your kids. And with this, I made my kids matching cards for the toob figures and added fact cards to define the sharks. You can download these from here for FREE.
- Parts of a Shark 3 part cards. To learn how they thrive in the water, we learned about the different parts of the shark. Do they have eyes and nose like humans? What helps them swim in the water? How do they eat their food? How do they breath in the water? Now these are the questions my boys ask while learning about sharks. Therefore learning about the anatomy of the shark will make them understand how similar and different sharks are to humans. This beautiful Montessori Shark 3 Part Cards (with activity sheets) can be purchased here of click the image below.
- Sharks vs Whales. Now learning about sharks will make kids understand that though these animals both live in the water, they are of different groups. Whales are mammals and sharks are fish. Now we will expand this more as Vito and I will move on to animal groupings/classes.

Below are some pictures of our lessons.
Here are some past Shark Unit activities we had:
- Montessori Inspired Shark Unit Study with Anatomy Model
- Sharks Unit I (FREE Skip Counting Cards)
- Shark Unit II (FREE Shark Matching and Fact Cards)
More learning materials at Pinay Homeschooler Shop
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