Vito always wanted to join us whenever we play board games but we don’t allow him because it’s too much for him. Too many cards (and paper money) to scatter, dice which he couldn’t figure out how to use and what to do with it and so much more. So when I was making Autumn-Themed Math Activities, I made sure that I include a game that’s suitable for his age.
A Math Racing Game for Preschoolers
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Autumn Themed Preschool Math Activities
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Vito is starting “preschool” math this school year and we are not using any curriculum. I guess it’s not necessary in our case. I will be using my experience with Mavi and with the thousand ideas online on setting up “play-based” and Montessori-inspired activities for Vito this school year. So in order for me to be able to organize and prepare materials ahead of time, I decided to come up with seasonal-themes for the upcoming months.
Beginning Letter Sort (R and A)
Monday, August 29, 2016
It’s been awhile since my last post! Sorry for not updating. Vito is starting “preschool” at home and I’ve been busy planning for his curriculum and preparing materials. Actually the curriculum is just a guide, everything will still depend on how he progress and what’s his current interest.
Anyway, I gathered some of Mavi’s old language materials and assembled a letter sorting activity for Vito next week. You’ve seen this a lot, like the booklet, the matching of pictures. But this time we’ll be working two letters a time and sort out objects that matches the beginning letter sound.