These fruits and vegetables cards were taken out of the storage box and has been used ever since. It’s been used for naming and identifying fruits and vegetables and also served as matching cards.

I created these cards years ago and we don’t use them often because it’s difficult to have these real fruits and vegetables (seasonal) all at the same time. Luckily, I got hold of these beautiful toy set from Learning Resources, Amazon UK (Amazon US). Since then, the boys have been using them for play pretend, matching, and color sorting.
Look at our beautiful fruit cards. They’re basically 3 part cards but we’re only using the control cards here.

Here are the vegetable cards.

Here’s Vito working on matching the objects to cards. He loves doing this! After one round, he'll put the fruits and veggies back in the basket and would say “I’ll do it again.”

And here’s how he’s matching the real things to the cards. I will talk more about this in my next post!

To get the cards, you can click any of the images below.


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