Mavi is 37 months old.
September 26 to October 2, 2011.
Pink Series
Practice CVC words using our pink series sets 1 to 4.

He loves our reading activities and I was surprise that he reads using their sounds not through memorization.

Then we worked with our ‘rambitg’ alphabets and try to build CVC words from it. I really would like to instill in him that using letters, we can form words! This also increased his vocabulary for he learned some new words like: rib, tab, bar, fig etc.

We made trees using oil pastels.

I talked about it here.
Read about our math lessons here.
Since it was also raining, I made use of our size ordering cards which I downloaded from Confessions of a Homeschooler two years ago. He’s learning sizes here and using “smallest” “biggest” and “bigger” words.

Attempting to do a Kadinsky painting. It was a lovely day so I took him out on the balcony to paint.
Too bad, the paper we used were not made for watercolor :(

Here’s my version. I was also painting with him so I can show him what to do and describe the mechanics.
Drawing and Writing
These activities were his favorite this week. He kept on making drawings and describing them with words that he alone can understand. I ask him “what is it?” and he would say something like “it’s a blurg”. Still I admire it in front of him and telling him that he did a great job.

This is a table.

Practice writing his name.

Practical Life
His favorite practical life activity: cutting. Aside from this, he kept helping me with the laundry.
Botany: Trees

A wonderful week of studying trees! Read about it here.