The boys had a blast learning about the phases of the moon last week. We worked on this during our Goodnight Moon Unit and even though this was mainly for Vito, I decided to include Mavi as well. With this, I prepared two sets of learning materials: one for a preschooler and the other is for older kids (elementary). This post is on how you can introduce the moon and its phases to kids from 3years and older.
Before FIAR: Goodnight Moon Unit
Sunday, October 23, 2016
My boys love Goodnight Moon (Amazon US) (Book Depository) and we have read it numerous times already. You can see our previous activity of the book from here, Goodnight Moon Storytelling Basket. Now that Vito is a lot older, I assembled these activity trays for him to work on as a book extension. I don’t have a guide for Before FIAR, so all of these activities are either sourced from the internet or invented by yours truly.
Note: All of the printables here are homemade and you can find them in my shop:
- Goodnight Moon & Bedtime Themed Math Activities Learning Pack
- Goodnight Moon & Bedtime Themed Early Literacy Learning Pack
- Goodnight Moon & Bedtime Themed Bundled Learning Pack
Montessori Coloured Beads: How We Use It At Home
Friday, October 21, 2016
It’s starting to get chilly in our side of the world and though we prefer walking in the fields and in the forest during this beautiful season, the weather doesn’t seem to be in line with my plans. So last week, I introduced Vito to the Montessori colored beads which I have for 3 years now. But the thing about siblings, they just wanted to do what the other is doing. Mavi insisted that I should give him some work with the beads as well, not just Vito. In this post, I’m sharing how I made the boys work independently, but still supervising them as they work.

Writing Practise for Preschoolers
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Vito had a sudden interest on tracing and writing letters last week. I didn’t see it coming. He knows all his letter sounds, but is not ecstatic over letter (phonics) activities like sorting objects according to beginning letters. So I’m shelving those activities at the moment. Right now, he just wanted to trace and attempt (or pretend) to write letters.
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