Vito loves our indoor plants! He's always checking on them, making sure they get enough water to stay alive this winter season. But is water enough?
Because of his interest in minding the indoor plants, we've been learning how to take care of indoor plants this winter the past few days.
First this "watering can" is really really good. It has a long pointy spout that kids can easily control and put water into the soil of potted plants.
Then I got the kids a water spray to moist and clean the leaves of the plants.
And with our growing collection, we familiarized ourselves on how to care for these beautiful plants:
- Do not "over water" the plants. The soil needs to be moist, not wet. Some of these plants came with an instruction on how to water, so I kept those in their pots.
- Clean the plants (from dust) to keep off bugs and insects.
- Some plants need plenty of sun, some are fine in the shades. So once in a while, we would place the plants in the sitting room to get the sunlight they needed.
- Re-pot when needed, something we're not doing yet.
And that's about it! Having indoor plants is a great way to get your kids into "gardening" and learning how to take care of their environment. And of course, it is a great activity this winter time when everyone is on house arrest :D
This post is part of the 12 Months More of Montessori which is hosted by Natural Beach Living and The Natural Homeschool.

Amazing blogs participating in the 12 Months More of Montessori that you should visit:
24 Montessori Books for Winter | Natural Beach Living
Montessori Continent Folders ~ Antarctica for Kids {Printable} | The Natural Homeschool
Montessori-Inspired Heart Unit {Hundreds of Human Heart and Valentine Heart Resources} | Living Montessori Now
Arctic Activities Sensory Play | Mama’s Happy Hive
Montessori Practical Life: Indoor Plant Care on Winter | The Pinay Homeschooler
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