Montessori Inspired Dinosaur Activity Trays for Preschoolers
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Dinosaur Excavation Activity
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Play-based Dinosaur Activities for Preschoolers
Thursday, February 2, 2017
We are exploring dinosaurs till mid of the month and we get to use our Playmobil dinosaur sets!
Montessori Inspired February Activities for Preschoolers
Friday, January 20, 2017
Thank goodness January is almost over! I really don’t like January, it’s that time of the year where we get to experience the worst weather condition. Fortunately, we have fair weather this year, it’s actually warm! But, I am so looking forward to spring now, and I can’t wait for all these gloomy days to be over. And speaking of spring, this month, I’ll start adding “spring” activities into our homeschool activities. We will be using traditional Montessori materials for most part and in some, we’ll have themed activities. Hope you like what I prepared for Vito for this month.
Hands-on Learning on the Types of Fossils
Friday, June 24, 2016
Montessori Inspired Dinosaur Clean-Up Activity
Friday, June 10, 2016
Vito is 30 months old.
It was so warm last Tuesday that I asked the boys to play outside and then wash their dinosaur toys. Oh boy, they were so happy to do so!
Inspiring Kids To Do Research
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Fun Dinosaur Color Sorting with Homemade Playdough Recipe
Monday, June 6, 2016
Letter D: Dinosaur Unit Activities and {Learn & Play Link Up}
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Cleaning dinosaur toy. This was the first activity I could ever think of. Knowing the boys like to play with water, surely they will like this. And they did! They washed and brushed their dinosaurs together outside. Vito mostly played with the water but Mavi was seriously doing the work. So even if Vito didn’t get to really “brush” the dinosaurs, it was a perfect way to expose him to such kind of activity.
Playdough Dino Prints. I wanted Vito to improve his “pressing” skills so I got out our playdough so we can make impressions.
As you can see, he doesn’t really press the dinos in the dough. He would just place them on it. At times he would push them into the playdough using his pointer fingers, not much of the entire hand yet.
Letter D. We started sounding the letter D around the house as we talked about dinosaurs. Aside from my foam letters, which I posted on the wall for Vito to see everyday, I also made him put dots on a letter D. He had fun sticking the dots on the letter. Vito is using more of his left hand these days. Hmmm… I think I might have a leftie!
Now Vito realized he can stick the dots to his face as well. And he had fun doing it!
Matching Dinosaurs. Vito can identify objects now, so I was wondering if he can match objects as well. This activity is more of a presentation rather than Vito matching the dinosaurs. I placed one piece of the dinosaur in the palette tray and the other on the basket. Then I take one dinosaur from the basket and say “let’s look for a match”. So basically, the child will learn objects that match.
Dino Prints using Paints. Another activity that I have to take picture before we do the actual thing. As much as possible I try to involve paints in our unit activities to introduce Vito to arts. This dino prints was not really appreciated by Vito. He couldn’t make a print out of a dinosaur yet, do he was quite frustrated, so he resorted to hand painting instead.
Discovering Dinosaurs in Ice. This was a total hit! I made these ahead of time and once they were ready both boys were so excited to touch and taste the ice!
Integrating learning with sensory activities is so much fun!
Dinosaur Free Play. And of course, how can we not have a free play. I let Vito play with the dinosaurs most of the time. Vito and Mavi played the dino figures indoors (Mavi making stories)…..
… and they also played with it outdoors!
More dinosaur activities!!
Over the years, we’ve done a number of wonderful dinosaur activities. Click on the links below for more ideas!
Dinosaur and the land before time
Dinosaur activities
Digging Dinosaurs
Dinosaur and Worksheets
Preschool Dinosaur Activities
Homemade Dinosaur Fossils
FREE Yoga Poses Nomenclature Cards by Eager Ed
Spell Your Name Busy Bag by Spark and Pook
Beach Crafts for Kids to Make Dinnerware by Hands On As We Grow
A Week in the Life of Unschoolers by Nourishing My Scholar
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Fossils for Kids
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
- Eurypterid. A sea scorpion called Mixopterus was discovered in Norway. They ranged from 5 inches to over 7 feet long.
- Fossilized Fish. This is a Diplomystus specimen, typical of a surface feeding fish. The Green River limestone deposits in Wyoming, USA have beautifully preserved all the fine details of these fossils.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex Tooth. This tooth was found in Montana, USA. The T-Rex, one of the greatest predator possess the largest single teeth of any dinosaur. They used these double edge, serrated blades to slice off huge pieces of flesh.
- Dinosaur Foot. The discoveries of dinosaur tracks and footprints are grouped into similar types and they are given generic names. Anchisauripus prints were from a small plant-eater found in the state of Connecticut, USA.
- Ammonite. This is an ancient mollusc with a spiral shell. These marine animals existed for more than 135 million years. This species is known as Peltoceratoides and was discovered in Russia.
- Giant Crabs. Did you know that crabs evolved from lobsters during the Jurassic Period? This original specimens from Washington state, USA are among the finest preserved crab fossils having been buried in sand, soon after their deaths.
- Trilobite. They are one of the most important groups of early animals and their unusual appearance and age, make them appealing to fossil collectors worldwide. They first appeared in the early Cambrian period and become extinct in the Permian, 320 million years ago.
- Fossilized Frog. This fossilized species of frog is fully articulated and possibly the ancestor of the modern spade foot toad. This was collected in Wyoming, USA.
- Oatmeal
- Random magnifier glass
- Paint brush
Dinosaur Books!
Friday, September 12, 2014
These are ALL the books we used as reference for Dinosaur Study. This post contains affiliated links.
I highly recommend this book for preschoolers who love dinosaurs and letters at the same time. Mavi has been obsessed with the alphabet for years and he always always relates the alphabet to any object he sees.
These are specific books that describes dinosaurs according to characteristics. My son borrowed ALL of these books from the library.
I personally prefer this book, unfortunately it is only limited to giant dinosaurs. It missed out some of my son’s favourite dinos.
Hope this post is helpful in giving you ideas on what books to use when studying dinosaurs.
Have a nice day!
Dinosaur and the Land Before Time
Thursday, September 11, 2014

My son is obsessed with dinosaurs. Majority of the books he borrowed from the library is about dinosaurs. His birthday cake was decorated with dinosaurs. So when he begged that we’ll play with dinosaurs, I couldn’t resist. He reads his dinosaur books every night and is eager to learn all about the beginning of times. So considering all these factors, I put up an afterschool learning activity about the geological times and the era of dinosaurs.
Here are the activities we worked on this unit study.
FREE Feathered Dinosaur Cards
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hello everyone! I made these cards ages ago and we use it to play matching game with our Safari Feathered Dinosaur Toob. I’ll be posting our Dino Study this week for more dino-related activities that you can do with your little people. Hope you like my cards. Enjoy!
Dinosaur Activity and Learning Materials
Sunday, March 16, 2014
You can get the link by clicking any of the images below.