Vito loves counting. He may not know yet how to count from 1 to 100 but he knows how to integrate math and numbers in daily life. He mastered his 1:1 correspondence early on and now he’s learning how to count beyond ten. I was surprised the first time I heard him counting from 11 and up. I didn’t introduced that to him yet but he already knows. It’s like self taught, but I was thinking that he might have learned it from his brother. And because he might be in a sensitive period on number now, I decided to give him a few exercises to recognize and name numbers from 11 to 20, and understanding what those numbers represent in quantity.
Montessori Inspired Bird Unit Activities for Preschoolers
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Introducing the Life Cycle of a Chicken to Preschoolers
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Beginning Letter Phonics Cards
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Introducing the Solar System to Preschoolers
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Ancient Egypt Learning Materials for Kids
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
This holy week, Mavi revisited ancient Egypt after rereading the Ten Commandments story. We dug up our Egypt Picture Book materials so he could work on some readings and do some activities to follow them. In this post, I will share the contents of our Egypt Picture Book learning pack, which you might want to try. It contains reading materials, activity pages, picture cards and outline cards for colouring.
Days of the Creation for Preschoolers
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Montessori Inspired Layers of the Ocean for Preschoolers
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Montessori Sensorial Activities: Stereognostic Mystery Bag
Thursday, March 30, 2017
I finally introduced the Montessori Stereognostic Bag to Vito. The Montessori Stereognostic Bag is often composed of 10 matching pairs of wooden shapes that is drawn in a bag to feel and match. This activity develops the stereognostic sense of the child, using touch to create a mental image of the object. Stereognostic sense is defined as the ability to perceive and recognize the form of objects in the absence of visual and auditory information. Other version of this is called “the mystery bag”, wherein most homeschool moms customized the content of their bags by putting nature objects or just about anything from around the house.
Montessori Sensorial The Brown Stairs
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
So I gave in to my desire and bought Vito the brown stairs, and boy oh boy, I didn’t regret it! Similar to the way he responded to the pink tower, Vito loves and enjoy using our Montessori brown stairs! I realized that there’s so much more we can do when he used both of the materials, the extension activities are limitless and pattern making is even more challenging!
Montessori Inspired April Activities for Preschoolers
Friday, March 24, 2017
I am so excited to share our April activities! We will be revisiting some activities we did in the past, and there are new ones too! I only prepared a few activities for April because (1) we still have to work on Earth Science activity trays (2) it’s Mavi’s Easter vacation so Vito would probably prefer to play with his brother than “home” school with Mommy and lastly (3) weather permits, we’ll be spending most of our days outdoors or do some field trips here or there. Anyway, just to be sure that I have something for Vito to work on in case we needed to stay home, here are some preschool activities for him!
B4FIAR: Caps for Sale! (with FREE Counting Cards)
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Animal Habitats Sorting and Activity Sheets
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Teaching Land and Water Forms to Preschoolers Through Play
Friday, March 17, 2017
Montessori Inspired Phonics Mystery Bag Game
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Montessori Inspired Activities for Earth Science
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
B4FIAR: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Friday, March 3, 2017
I love book extension activities. This is one of the reasons why I enjoy doing Before Five In a Row with the boys. So when I introduced the book Harold and the Purple Crayon, I knew that its a story that we can explore beyond than just reading. The book itself is enjoyable to read, engaging and the boys found it funny. Vito was glued to it for a long time. At times, he would even “pretend” to read it by himself, mimicking how I read it to him at night.
If you love this book, or if you plan to get one (highly recommended!) I listed below the areas of learning we touched by just doing this simple easy to set-up activities:
Montessori Inspired Land, Air and Water Transportation Cards
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
My kids are obsessed with vehicles, but I think most boys are! They love their Bruder trucks and figures from Safari Toobs which they use a lot in pretend play and play-based learning. When Mavi borrowed this amazing book from the library (DK Visual Encyclopedia of Vehicles) Vito can’t stop identifying the vehicles in the book. It’s either he would ask us around (what’s this?), or identify the toys he own and match it to the pictures. It’s pretty amazing how much interest he has shown! To widen his vocabulary and knowledge of vehicles, I created cards for him so we can start with the Montessori three lesson period and later on, do some sorting.